Selamat pagi sobat semua, kali ini saya akan share beberapa E-book yang mungkin sudah lama anda cari. E-book ini berisi tentang Security And Hacking. E-book ini berbahasa Inggris, Jadi, Translate sendiri ya..
Saya juga akan share beberapa paper dari berbagai situs online security. Jadi, silakan di Download...

E-booknya :
1. XSS Attack – Cross Site Scripting Exploit And Defense
2. Cloud Security & Privacy
3. Windows Forensic Analysis
4. SQL Injection Attack & Defense
5. Professional Penetration Testing
6. Reversing – Secrets Of Reverse Engineering
7. The Myth Of Security
2. Cloud Security & Privacy
3. Windows Forensic Analysis
4. SQL Injection Attack & Defense
5. Professional Penetration Testing
6. Reversing – Secrets Of Reverse Engineering
7. The Myth Of Security
Paper Dari Beberapa Situs Security Online :
# A Vulnerability In My hearth
# Advance mySQL Exploitation
# Advanced XSS Knowledge
# Avoiding SQL Injection
# Beginning cracking of (x86) Window’s software and software protection
# Blind SQLi – Easy Method
# Bypass XSS Filter
# Cross Site Scripting – Attack and Defense guide
# Cross-Site Scripting for Fun and Profit
# Defeating WinXP SP2
# Devilzc0de Ezine #1
# DNS Enumeration
# Error Based SQLi
# Exploiting – Defeating IPv6
# Exploiting DLL Hijacking
# Finding vulnerabilities in PHP scripts (FULL)
# Flaw In Microsoft Windows SAM Proccesing
# Forging HTTP Request Headers with Flash
# Format String Exploitation In Windows
# Full SQL Injection Tutorial (MySQL)
# Full SQL Injections Cheatsheet
# Fun with the IP Security Protocol
# HoneyPot – Explained
# How To Write Shellcode
# HTTP Parameter Polution
# Image Authentication Injection Paper + PoC
# John The Ripper – Guide
# Linux Shellcoding Reference
# mySQL Hijacking Over RFI
# MySQLi – Simple Load
# Instalasi, Konfigurasi dan Optimasi Mikrotik RouterOS
# Oracle-SQL Tutorial
# Patching Vulnerabilities
# PE Injection – How To Inject a DLL
# Pishing Dengan DNS Spoofing
# Playing with sockets (port scanning)
# Port Scanning Techniques
# Preventing the spread of USB malware
# Remote Library Injection
# Reverse Code Engineering
# Reverse Engineering Microsoft #F
# Reverse Engineering with LD_PRELOAD
# Secure Web Apps – SQL Injection Techniques
# Shellcoding For Linux & Windows Tutorial
# Simple Web Hacking
# SQL Injection Paper []
# SQLi – Auth Bypass
# SQLi Bit By Bit
# SQLi Form Login Bypass
# SQLi Form Login Bypass
# SSL Sniffing
# TCP Session Hijacking
# Token Hijacking With XSS
# Uncommon SQLi
# Utility Netsh pada MS Windows NT Based
# XFS – XSS From SQL
# XSS – Street Fight
# XSS & iFrame Phising
# XSS Attack FAQ
# XSS The Complete Walkthrough
# XSS To Bypass CSRF
# Advance mySQL Exploitation
# Advanced XSS Knowledge
# Avoiding SQL Injection
# Beginning cracking of (x86) Window’s software and software protection
# Blind SQLi – Easy Method
# Bypass XSS Filter
# Cross Site Scripting – Attack and Defense guide
# Cross-Site Scripting for Fun and Profit
# Defeating WinXP SP2
# Devilzc0de Ezine #1
# DNS Enumeration
# Error Based SQLi
# Exploiting – Defeating IPv6
# Exploiting DLL Hijacking
# Finding vulnerabilities in PHP scripts (FULL)
# Flaw In Microsoft Windows SAM Proccesing
# Forging HTTP Request Headers with Flash
# Format String Exploitation In Windows
# Full SQL Injection Tutorial (MySQL)
# Full SQL Injections Cheatsheet
# Fun with the IP Security Protocol
# HoneyPot – Explained
# How To Write Shellcode
# HTTP Parameter Polution
# Image Authentication Injection Paper + PoC
# John The Ripper – Guide
# Linux Shellcoding Reference
# mySQL Hijacking Over RFI
# MySQLi – Simple Load
# Instalasi, Konfigurasi dan Optimasi Mikrotik RouterOS
# Oracle-SQL Tutorial
# Patching Vulnerabilities
# PE Injection – How To Inject a DLL
# Pishing Dengan DNS Spoofing
# Playing with sockets (port scanning)
# Port Scanning Techniques
# Preventing the spread of USB malware
# Remote Library Injection
# Reverse Code Engineering
# Reverse Engineering Microsoft #F
# Reverse Engineering with LD_PRELOAD
# Secure Web Apps – SQL Injection Techniques
# Shellcoding For Linux & Windows Tutorial
# Simple Web Hacking
# SQL Injection Paper []
# SQLi – Auth Bypass
# SQLi Bit By Bit
# SQLi Form Login Bypass
# SQLi Form Login Bypass
# SSL Sniffing
# TCP Session Hijacking
# Token Hijacking With XSS
# Uncommon SQLi
# Utility Netsh pada MS Windows NT Based
# XFS – XSS From SQL
# XSS – Street Fight
# XSS & iFrame Phising
# XSS Attack FAQ
# XSS The Complete Walkthrough
# XSS To Bypass CSRF
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Artikel ini ditulis oleh Gilang ramadhan.
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